வியாழன், 31 மார்ச், 2011

mālatī-gandha-guṇavid मालती-गन्ध-गुण-विद्

 बढत-बढत संपत्ति-सलिल मन-सरोज बढि जाय ।

घटत-घटत पुनि ना घटे बरु समूल कुमलाय ॥

baḍhata-baḍhata sampatti-salila, mana-saroja
baḍhi jāya ।

ghaṭata-ghaṭata puni nā ghaṭé, baru samūla
kumalāya ॥ )
To read more about what this quote says  please go to http://blog.practicalsanskrit.com/2011/03/malati-flower-bee-and-grass.html

செவ்வாய், 29 மார்ச், 2011

Natteri swamy's tele-upanyasam on 28-3-2011

Natteri swamy's tele-upanyasam on Guruparamparai is here as MP3 file.
The upanyasam on 21-3-11 is not recorded due some technical error. If anybody else have recorded while listening to the live upanyasam and ready toshare with me adiyen will be thankful.

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